Saturday 20 January 2007

Comments welcomed: Dale Harris in concert

If you have seen Dale Harris in concert, please leave your comments here.


Anonymous said...

Dear Dale

Thank you so much for playing at the Launch of Freyabeya on the 10th June it was really good of you to give up your time.

It was good to have some proffessional musicians with us, people really enjoyed your performances and I am so glad you sold 10 of your CD’s thats great. Thank you for donating £50.00 of that to FreyaBeya, I have not got around to banking the money as yet will do that this week.

We raised over £2500.00 on the night which is a fantastic amount to get the charity started, & there is still more coming in.

I am trying to get some musicians together & will take some music into Freya’s old school to get things going & hopefully it will all take off from there, should be around the end of July.
I hope you enjoyed the evening? It all seemed to go well & I have had some lovely letters & E mails saying how much people did enjoy it & they ask me, when is the next one!!!!!

Not for a while!!!!!!!!

Thanks again Dale for supporting my charity, Freya would have loved the whole evening, bless her.

Yours truly,

Anonymous said...

Have seen many times in many places, never fails to impress. Attitude and Playing alike very professional, very talented with the occasional humerous moment. Very few better than this man IMHO.if you can get tickets. DO IT